Water Sanitation

Indonesia faces significant challenges in the area of sanitation and hygiene, with a large portion of the population lacking access to proper facilities. Askara Nusantara's initiatives aim to address these issues by promoting the construction of hygienic and environmentally friendly sanitation facilities across the country.

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Water Sanitation

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Water Sanitation
100 Lclean water to be distributed

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Clean Water And Sanitation
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Eco-friendly Public Toilet Construction in Cilawang

Eco-friendly Public Toilet Construction in Cilawang

Askara Nusantara has constructed two innovative public toilets in Cilawang, West Bandung, using recycled plastic as the primary construction material. These facilities, equipped with showers and washing stations, are a much-needed addition to the community, where residents, primarily agricultural workers, have limited access to clean water and sanitation

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1 people have signed this campaign.


Ario Triguna Dimas

Donate $232

2 months ago